About Me
Behind the Lens
It seems like caffeine and carbs would be enough to sustain me, but it’s not! “For He satisfies the thirsty and fills my heart with good things.” Faith is what fills my cup (and I need this every day!).
As a photographer, I hope that my work fills you up. That through my pictures, you might see yourself the way God sees you and know that you are loved by Him.
I’m a mom to three littles, Caedmon, Reveille, and Rayna (unique baby names are my jam). So I see you mom! You is tired, You is in leggings, but You is important.
We threatened to put my son in a box on his 5th birthday so that he’d stop growing up. He asked if his friends could drive by and throw cake in the box (2020 – did he call that or what?!). So until someone cracks the code on slowing down time, the best we can do is freeze it.
When I’m not drowning in laundry or rescuing babies from the tops of bookshelves (they really do try to die all day, don’t they?), you can find me hiding out at a coffee shop.
You should know I’m a local celebrity. I modified one of the smoothies at Cane’s Cafe in Palm Harbor. So many people started ordering “The Whitney” they had to add me to the board. I’m basically famous. Sometimes I sign people’s drinks.
My Why
When my son was born
He looked 100% like his daddy. If I hadn’t just witnessed him come out of me, I may not have been convinced he was mine! Then my baby pictures came to the rescue. He had Justin’s lips, but he had my smile. Through faded family photos, I saw my eyes and traces of my Dad.
In the length of time it took to type this sentence
He grew into a 5 year old boy. Without pictures to look back on, I would forget so many details that are so special to me. Like his chubby little baby hands having dimples where knuckles should have been. And his vampire stage, where his incisors came in before his front teeth.
I’m so thankful to have these memories frozen in time.
I can look at them any time I want.
When he enters a new stage and starts to resemble a big boy instead of my baby, I will look at them. When he’s testing my sanity, I will look at the walls and smile at his sweetness. He will have these memories to use in the senior page of his yearbook, a wedding slideshow, and an album for his children.
I want this for you as well.
Cell phone shots or pictures on a thumb drive somewhere are not enough. Instead, how about beautiful, professional pictures that you will cherish the rest of your life? Pictures that YOU are in. And pictures on your walls, so that your heart swells every time you walk by them.
P.S. When my husband read this, he teared up and said “I forgot about his vampire stage!” See?! Reason #17 to hire me. Our sleep deprived brains just can’t be trusted with this stuff!

New kid on the block
Meet my fourth and finale – Cohen! He’s the sweetest little guy! Also… learned some photoshop to get this shot – I did a headswap! I brought everyone’s best smile into one picture. Can you tell which kid was swapped?! No, you cannot. =)