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Babies Shower!

Baby shower for QUADS! That's right, this momma has 4 precious babies in her belly. Please send all the prayers for these sweet little people inside of her - and for the rest of the family too! As ... READ the POST

Family Photos on Vacation in Tampa Bay

A family vacation is the perfect time to update your family photos! You are relaxed, you are warm, and you are together! What more do you need?! Since your vaca is a short time with likely lots ... READ the POST

8th Graders – Sneak Peek!

This is my 4th? time doing photos for the 8th grade class at my son's school. It is always a great group of kids, and this class is no exception. Polite, helpful, and fun! Every time I come to ... READ the POST

Rooftop Photoshoot Clearwater FL

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